Saturday, May 12, 2007

Research Webinar this Tuesday

This Tuesday at 11 am Pacific time Gallup is hosting a webinar on research that has been done and is currently underway to test the impact of strengths-based interventions. Contact Irene Burklund at for information on how to join me for this. I'll be talking about the types of outcomes that a strengths-based intervention OUGHT to produce, will describe some of the research results we have found so far, then will focus on how you can design powerful research projects on your own campus to determine whether or not the strengths-based intervention you implement actually makes a difference!

So many campuses are adopting a strengths-based approach to various programs -- advising, first-year seminars, student leadership programs, residence life education programs -- yet few are determining in advance what outcomes they want to see. Even fewer design the most powerful interventions and test them with powerful research designs. So this is your chance to get in on the ground floor and collect the kind of evidence that your Provost and faculty will want to see before deciding to adopt a full-scale strengths program.

I look forward to hearing your voice on Tuesday!

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