Saturday, May 12, 2007

Noel Academy Grand Opening

A few weeks ago the Noel Academy for Strengths-Based Leadership and Education celebrated its Grand Opening. What a great time that was! There were three separate symposia that were held during the three-day event: one on Positive Psychology on Campus, one on Strengths, Calling, and Vocation, and one on K-12 Education. Shane Lopez was the keynote speaker for the Grand Opening and did a terrific job of painting a picture of where the strengths movement is heading in the next few years.

The Power Point slides from the various sessions are available on the Academy's website at

If any of you are interested in being put on the mailing list for either the Positive Psychology on Campus group or the Strengths and Calling group, let Shawna Lafreniere know by e-mailing her at I will be sending out a survey to all on the Positive Psychology mailing list to determine the level of interest in continuing to communicate with one another and work together on a possible research project--and to see who can connect with us again at the Summit in DC this fall. If you are planning to attend the Positive Psychology Summit (now called the Global Well-Being and Engagement Summit) at The Gallup Organization's headquarters in Washington, DC this October, Shane Lopez will be organizing a Positive Psychology on Campus track during that conference. Knowing who you are and that you are interested in connecting with like-minded others will help us get the word to you about conference plans.

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